....just decided to go to sleep exactly wherever you happened to be at that moment??? Well, on this particular day, Elijah did! This doesn't happen very often, so he must have been pretty sleepy! I usually have to coax him into taking a nap, but not this time. I thought it was very cute! This has happened one other time and I just happen to have a picture of it, as well. He was quite a bit younger - and fatter! In the more recent picture he just laid down in the middle of the living room floor and in the older picture he fell asleep in the big black chair eating a cookie! If you look closely you can see it in his left hand! You know a kid is sleepy when he can't even finish his cookie! ~Kristy
This would have been perfect for Christmas morning! But it's a little late for that now- it's March! I was up early this morning so I took a few pictures of the snow here! I bet my family in Michigan would get a big kick out of us making a big deal about this snow! Well, down here in Alabama 1-2 inches is really something special! I bet the stores are all out of bread and milk! I hope not - I have to go to the store later. I don't know if it's because I am from Michigan or just because snow is so stinkin' pretty, but I do dream of a white Christmas. It just looks so pretty in all my Martha Stewart magazines! Hahaha! What's even funnier is a couple weeks ago I saw somebody in Wal Mart wearing shorts and a tank top and now it's snowing! Winter w
eather in Alabama is very crazy, isn't it? Well, hope you all enjoy the weather wherever yo
u are! ~Kristy