Just Checkin' In  

Posted by AnthonyAlex

Hey guys! I am finally updating my blog! I know it's been forever! Does anyone even stop by here anymore??? Haha! I volunteered to teach preschool this year at our church school, so I have actually been busy instead of sitting around the the house all day doing nothing (and stamping)! I really do enjoy it, but I don't always like having every moment planned out for me. I am sort of a spontaneous type of person and I am fighting the fact that I can't just do what I want all the time. After all, little people are depending on me to learn their ABC's! Elijah is in my class and he can be a little bit of a handle sometimes. He is really doing good overall, though. He tends to be really silly and a cut up! I don't know where he gets it! I was a really good kid in school, must be Anthony........... On another note, this month is the kids' birthdays! Elijah is five now (Oct. 10) and Madison will be 8 on the 25th, which is the same day as Anthony's grandpa (Peeps) and our Harvest Festival at church! Busy day. Congrats to Bo and Amy! There lives are about to be changed forever.....They are going to have a baby! I am so happy for them. I can tell they are excited, too! Well, that's all for now, folks! See ya later! ~Kristy